
                         NOTICE TO USERS

This is a computer or information system and is for authorized use only.  
By using this information system, or connecting any device to this information 
system, the user acknowledges, understands and consents to certain identified 
actions and agrees:

  * that user has no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding communications
    or data transmitted or stored on this information system or any devices
    connected to this information system.

  * that any or all uses of this information system and all files transmitted,
    stored or connected to this information system may be intercepted, monitored,
    recorded, copied and searched and may be used or disclosed to law enforcement
    or other Government agencies, as deemed appropriate by the Department of Energy
    or as mandated by law.

  * that any unauthorized or improper use of Government information systems may
    result in limitations placed on the use of Government information systems,
    disciplinary or adverse actions, criminal penalties, and/or
    financial liability for the cost of such improper use.

To the extent that the user has any questions concerning the use of Government
information systems, the user should consult with their supervisor or other
appropriate management personnel. LOG OFF IMMEDIATELY if you do not agree
to the conditions stated in this warning.
